Solo 401k Loan Repayment Calculator

This calculator provides estimates based on the inputs provided. Actual loan terms may vary. Consult your Solo 401(k) plan administrator or a financial advisor for personalized information.

Annual Interest Rate (%) Prime Rate (7.5%) + 1-2%

Understanding Solo 401(k) Loans

Key Solo 401(k) Loan Rules

  • Maximum Loan Amount: Lesser of $50,000 or 50% of your vested account balance
  • Repayment Period: Generally 5 years (can be longer for primary residence purchases)
  • Payment Schedule: Must have level amortization with payments at least quarterly
  • Interest Rate: Must be reasonable (typically Prime Rate + 1-2%)
  • Documentation Required: Legally enforceable loan agreement with clear terms

Important Considerations

  • The loan must be properly documented with a loan agreement specifying amount, term, and repayment schedule
  • Interest payments go back into your Solo 401(k) account
  • Missed payments may result in the loan being treated as a taxable distribution
  • There is a cure period until the last day of the calendar quarter following the quarter in which payment was missed
  • Early loan default may trigger income taxes and a 10% early withdrawal penalty if under age 59½

Loan Uses and Restrictions

  • No restrictions on how loan proceeds can be used
  • Can be used for personal expenses, business needs, or home purchase
  • Primary residence loans can qualify for extended repayment terms beyond 5 years
  • Multiple loans are allowed but must stay within combined limits
  • Both Roth and pre-tax Solo 401(k) funds can be borrowed from

Tax Implications

  • Loan payments are made with after-tax dollars
  • Interest paid is not tax-deductible (even for primary residence loans)
  • Defaulted loans are reported on Form 1099-R as taxable distributions
  • Loan defaults may affect your ability to make new contributions or take future loans

Looking to Open a Solo 401k?

Get started with Carry's Solo 401k - designed for self-employed individuals like you.

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Important Disclaimer

This calculator provides estimates only and should be used for educational purposes only.

  • Actual loan terms and conditions may vary based on your plan rules
  • Interest rates must be reasonable and consistent with commercial lending practices
  • Consult with your plan administrator or financial advisor for specific guidance
  • Tax implications may vary based on your individual circumstances